Rubbish and waste management

Rubbish! It’s a stinky topic, but councils have got it covered.

South Australian councils are dedicated to keeping our communities safe and clean through waste and recycling management services. These services are the secret behind our clean streets, tidy parks and regular bin collection.

Every week or fortnight your bins are emptied by council's bin collection service. And it's not just your home but public rubbish bins in the streets, parks and playgrounds. These are all emptied regularly to keep our spaces clean.

Councils team up with trusted partners like Solo Waste, Northern Adelaide Waste Management Authority or Cleanaway.

Together, they transport and process waste in a way that minimises harm to our environment and public health.

And for all the green thumbs out there, green waste collection is also great way to keep your garden trimmings from cluttering your backyard.

Some councils offer valuable additional services to their communities like:

  • electronic and hazardous waste collection
  • informative programs like composting workshops
  • kitchen caddy bins.

These extra services help residents reduce their environmental impact through recycling and better management of their household waste.

Next time you see bins out on the curb or a clean street, remember behind the scenes our local councils work hard to provide this important service.

Together, we can reduce waste, protect the environment and keep South Australia shining bright.

Curious about what your council offers? Find your council and discover all they do in waste management.

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