Port Broughton beaches bolstered by sand replenishment program

1 May 2024
Port Broughton beaches are being bolstered by a proactive council-run sand replenishment program aimed at replacing what has been lost through erosion and extreme weather over time.
Photo supplied by Jill Madden of three school aged girls on the beach at Barunga West

Located at the top of the Yorke Peninsula, the town is known for its leisurely seaside walks, crabbing and fishing, but in recent years tidal storms, heavy waves and wind have damaged the coastline, putting properties at potential risk and affecting the quality of the beaches.

To correct this, Barunga West Council has earmarked depositing sand at beaches near Port Broughton Tourist Park, Dalling Street, West Terrace and John Lewis Drive, which the tides, waves and wind will spread naturally.

Already, sand has been used to strengthen the seawall’s toe at West Terrace and near the historic Port Broughton Jetty.

The $514,000 program, which reached a critical 50 percent completion milestone earlier this year, is funded by South Australia’s Coastal Protection Board and will remain in place until 2025.

Barunga West Council CEO Maree Wauchope said it is council’s priority to protect the coastline with sand replenishment and eventually re-planting along the coastline as well.

“The coastline attracts thousands of walkers and recreational fishers and is also a major driver for residential growth in our district,” Ms Wauchope said.

“This vital work ensures the protection and enjoyment of Port Broughton's beautiful coastline for generations to come.”

It is envisaged that as sand levels gradually build, a buffer will be created, helping to protect beachfront properties and support the coastline to recover on its own.

So far, around 600 cubic metres of sand have been spread across the beach, the first of three major replenishments scheduled for this year


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