Renmark Paringa Council



Renmark Paringa Council is a local government area located adjacent to the Victorian border, in the Riverland, South Australia. The area is known for its various fruit production and is heavily dependent on the River Murray as a water source.

Located on the lands of the Erawirung people, Renmark Paringa Council covers an area of 915 km2 and serves a population of 9,780 people.

Towns in the district are heavily reliant on irrigated orchards and vineyards with water supplied by the River Murray. Sheep grazing and dryland farming of various cereal crops are the main land uses east of the river, with farming and horticulture to the west of the river.

While wine grape production is the most important industry, there are also large nut and citrus plantations in the region, as well as vegetable and stone fruit production.

Tourism is an important component of the economy, especially during summer school holidays. The district experiences in an influx of tourists during this period, attracted mainly by the River Murray. Houseboats are common along the stretch of river in the district, with other water sports such as water skiing, jet skiing and fishing common.


Chaffey, Cooltong, Crescent, Lyrup, Mundic Creek, Murtho, Old Calperum, Paringa, Pike River, Renmark, Renmark North, Renmark South, Renmark West, Wonuarra, Yamba.